The Tonga Chamber of Commerce & Industry (TCCI) is proud to be a supporter of the Pacific Youth Engagement, Empowerment, and Economic Pathways (PYEEP) pilot program set to be launched in Tonga.
The PYEEP program is a new pilot project run by the Pacific Community (SPC) that will provide young people in Tonga with a second chance at education and training.
The TCCI hosted an information session for its members allowing for the PYEEP team to deliver presentations on how the program will be delivered and particularly how businesses will be engaged through the PYEEP.
The project provides alternative education and training opportunities to youth who are not employed or engaged in study. The program is designed to provide a more holistic approach than the conventional education system.
Through this initiative, youth will be given new opportunities to engage in meaningful work and pursue their desired career pathways.
The program will place young people back in selected educational institutions and after they graduate, they are then assigned a job at a pre-assigned business where they will become interns with hands on learning and working experience.
If successful, PYEEEP intends to expand out to other Pacific Nations.
The TCCI President Sam Vea also spoke at another information session for potential young people interested to join the PYEEP program. In his remarks, Mr. Vea emphasized the importance of education and training for young people. He said that the PYEEP program is a great opportunity for young people to develop the skills they need to succeed in the workforce.

The PYEEP program is funded by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. It is being facilitated by the Pacific Community (SPC). The SPC is a regional organization that works with Pacific island countries to promote sustainable development.
The PYEEP program will be launched in Tonga this year.