On 7th December 2021 at its Annual General Meeting, the Tonga Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI) elected the 2021/22 Council.
The Executive Committee;
President: Sam Vea of Island Custom Express, Vice President: Aloma Johansson of R. Albin Johansson & Co. Secretary: Naitilima Tupou of Kano Properties Limited. Treasurer: Karla ‘Amanaki of Calibre Project Managers Ltd.

Full Council includes;
Assistant Treasurer: Maliu Mafi of A. Mart Enterprise Ltd. Assistant Secretary: Neil Dalgety of the Royal Nuku’alofa Club. And Council Members; Paula Taumoepeau (MF Taumoepeau & Sons Ltd), Paul Johansson (Friends Co. Ltd), Frank Halafihi (Frank Enterprises) and Simana Kami (Oholei Beach Resort).
Outgoing President Paula Taumoepeau in his Annual Report to members said that the Chamber has struggled in the past few years with limited resources but with the support of its members have kept the core functions of TCCI active. He also acknowledged the assistance extended by Government through the Ministry of Trade and Economic Development which has supported Chamber to date.

Incoming President Sam Vea, emphasized the importance of a strong and vigilant advocate for the Private Sector and in particular in times where the challenges of doing business is intensified by circumstances such as the Covid-19 crisis.
The newly elected President closed the meeting, encouraged that the 2021/22 elected Council of TCCI was a good balance between experience and new blood, as well as cross-sector representation which is a position of strength.