
The Chamber is your first stop when you are looking for relevant and current business information. Membership also allows you to have preferential access to the many training courses the Chamber runs and organizes.


Being a part of the Chamber means you have the chance to expand your business network. The Chamber can help you grow your network to other business owners and professionals


We offer business support capacity building trainings in a range of subjects including financial literacy, marketing, business management, entrepreneurship, ICT and more


Our advocacy services allow you to have a say on issues you feel are important. As the National Private Sector Organization, the Chamber advocates a single private sector voice to Government

The Tonga Business Enterprise Centre (TBEC) was established in November 2010 as the training and capacity building arm of the TCCI.

The TBEC’s purpose is to help advance Tonga’s private sector businesses by providing :

  • Business advisory/mentoring services
  • Support programs to business development
  • Training related to all business activities (provides short term   courses, long term accredited courses, after hours study &   distance learning)